Well-respected as the singer of Kataklysm and Ex Deo, “El Hefe” of Hard Impact Artist Management, founder of Distortion Music Group, and co-owner of hard-and-heavy booking agency Continental Touring, Iacono delivers dynamic new layers of heaviness and melody with his latest creative vehicle. “I’ve explored many facets of the music business, from performing, writing, and producing to managing,” he explains. “But I’d never explored that deep down energy inside my thoughts which drives me to compete and, in many ways, survive everything thrown at me.”Iacono executed his vision alongside longtime collaborator J-F Dagenais (guitarist for Kataklysm and Ex Deo) and producer/main songwriter Chris Clancy. Powerhouse drummer Jeramie Kling (Venom Inc., Inhuman Condition) rounded out the record with a blistering performance. Iacono got to know Clancy, who often works alongside Colin Richardson and Andy Sneap, while making Kataklysm’s fourteenth album, 2020’s Unconquered. “Chris is an excellent songwriter and vocalist with a lot of talent,” Maurizio says. “We have a lot in common with our musical tastes.” The sound of INVICTUS resonates deeply with all those who forged themselves in the fire of life’s obstacles. Conceived as an unflinching examination of fury and determination, INVICTUS explores the depths of struggle, frustration, and perseverance that shaped Iacono into the man he is today.